AA premeses

Abdullah Gül University (AGU), the first Turkish public university supported by a philanthropic foundation (AGUV), was established in 2010. In 2016, AGU was re-created as a Socio-Technical University Model.  Supported by the Turkish Ministry of Development, it is the first cross-sectorial initiative for a Hybrid University model with unique and innovative curricula. This has provided AGU with the necessary intellectual capital to be innovative and bring universities’ 3rd mission, Societal Impact, to the Higher Education agenda in Türkiye and beyond.

The unique departments created (Youth Factory (non-formal education resource centre for the social and personal development of youth); Academy (centre for lifelong learning); Center for Learning and Teaching; Children’s University: Centre for gifted children; Creative Hub; Global Challenge Curriculum, will back AGU to lead WP5 and T1.3 and T5.1 and will co-leader of T3.1 and T4.3. Being a young and popular university internationally and nationwide – WURI 2022 Ranking, THE 2022 & 2023 Impact Rankings- AGU’s shows the strength of its wide national and international scientific network to lead WP5. In addition, AGU ranks among the top 3 in scientific publications per academician at the national level. AGU will share the experiences in the methods developed for continuing education and public education for its leadership on T5.1 along with all Qn task members.

AGU stands out especially in terms of management and use of campus facilities. It has been in the 1st place at the national level for the last 4 years in a row in terms of education quality and opportunities offered to students, especially among university students (National University Satisfaction Survey 1st Place in 2019, 2020,2021, 2022). As a state university that is successfully managed, the dynamic and experienced staff behind the reliability and success of AGU in the field of computing system will ensure that all Qn members’ systems are further developed under T1.3 and T3.1 (“The Best Transition to Online Education” university in 2021). As a co-leader, AGU will be able to demonstrate its success in student, academic and public relations with the team leader in T4.3, where AGU is the co-leader.